Monday, October 3, 2011

The 411

These an recent technology out called google 411. Google 411 will be able to provide all the information for my clients. It searches topics with just one word said. So all a client has to do is say natural hair and my company may come up. Google 411 takes advantage of the voice technology. With the features of voice search, Input search, and action search. Although I don’t think google 411 call extension is still active I do think they are still using the voice features. It will just speed up the process to help my clients find out about the company and what it’s for.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea of utilizing Google 411 but would like to see more on the types of inputs and outputs that your business would use. QR Codes could definitely be used to share information with customers or track your products. Overall great job!
